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marți, 1 martie 2011

De ce ?!

Why does Monday, come before Tuesday?
Why do summers start in June?
Why do winters come too soon?
Why do people fall in love,
When they're always breaking up? oh, why?
Why do I love you? Tell me why.
It's not like I can't explain what's in my heart.
It's just I feel a crazy pain when we're apart.
I don't wanna breathe.
I don't wanna think.
I don't wanna learn.
I don't wanna do anything.
It's not like I can't describe what's going on.
It's just I feel I'm not alive,
When you're not home.
I don't wanna sleep,
I don't wanna be.
I just want you here beside me.
Without you there's no me.
Why does Monday come before Tuesday?
Why do summers start in June?
Why do winters come too soon?
Why do people fall in love?
When they're always breaking up? oh, why?
Why do we love if love will die?
Why does Wednesday come after Tuesday?
Why do flowers come in May?
Why does springtime go away?
Why do people fall in love?
When they're always breaking up? oh, why?
Why do I love you? tell me why.
It's not like I can't escape, what's in my soul
Cause with you inside my heart,
Where can I go?
I don't wanna see, girl you without me.
I can't go through life without you.
Without you there's no me ..!
Why do the rivers flow to the sea?
In every flow I get your love over me, babe.
Why does my heart miss your kiss?
To be in love, to fall in love.
Why don't I feel complete?

...Tell me why...:-<

Tocmai cand credeam ca ma vindecam, sau eram in desfasurarea procesului de autovindecare, durerea a presupus ca ar trebui sa faca cale intoarsa..pesemne i-am lipsit prea mult. Dar tu, cranceno, egoisto, nenorocito, afurisito durere, m-ai intrebat daca eu te vreau inapoi ?!
Incep sa vad ca devin din ce in ce mai singura...in 6 luni doua tragedii...:|
Cumva viata mi-e pusa la purificat, ca la o sedinta de judecata, in care eu, personajul secundar, obiectiv, episodic, privesc cu privire ostila, inima franta, ochi inlacrimati, mocnind pe dinauntru, la condamnarile la care sunt supusa, fiind lipsita de aparare si secatuita de puteri, cum Absolutul imi judeca viata prin cel mai dur mijloc de dreptate ...trauma..
Oare sa fie oare rasplata unor pacate comise ?
Oare sunt pedepsita pentru greselile comise si nu am apucat sa traiesc toate consecintele faptelor mele ?
Oare chiar merit asta ?
Oare sunt o persoana atat de rea si meschina sa indur toate astea ?
Vesnica intrebare va ramane, insa de ce..
de ce mi-e frica sa te pierd cand nici macar nu esti al meu..
numai esti al meu..
Nu o sa te uit niciodata . :(
Da, te idolatrizez si am avut ce invata de la tine ..

Odihneste-te in pace. :((
Te iubesc chiar daca nu am avut prilejul sa iti spun mai des din cauza orgoliului meu frustrant.

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